Planet Earth is gifted with approximately 2000 species of snakes, out of which 272 are present in India ranging from the 10 cm long worm snake to the 7 meter long python and king cobra. India is blessed with three species of cobras, mainly the Indian Spectacled Cobra (Naja naja naja), the mono-ocellate cobra (Naja naja kaouthia) and the black cobra. Six species are present in Asia and nine in Africa.
We need to remember, that snakes are not under threat from other wild life, but these magnificent creatures are under threat from human beings. Cobras have good eyesight and a keen sense of smell. Cobras, especially those found in South India have a distinct pair of circular ocelli on the rear of the hood. These patterns seem to be connected by a curved line, which appear like spectacles, hence the name spectacled cobra.
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